Side Quest Podcast

Coaches Corner: Rituals & Rules and Why We Need Them



Coaches Corner: Rituals & Rules and Why We Need Them Since I chatted with Craig Ballantine, I've been intrigued by rules and rituals.   They provide meaning and structure to our day. And some of the most successful people in the world, swear by them.   I believe the first 30 minutes of your day are the most important minutes of your day.   For this month's episode of Coaches Corner, we decided to dive into and talk about our morning rituals.    At least, that's where we thought our conversation would go. Then, as we discussed and dove deeper into the idea of rituals, we realized that we have rituals with our work and diet.     The word freedom denotes some sense of "I follow no rules." But, that's not true. Rules give you freedom.   We need structure in our diets, workouts, mornings, evenings, or daily activities. Humans are creatures of habit.   Our most prized state is homeostasis. And rules and rituals help us to maintain that state.   In this episode we discuss:   First things we do when we wake up M