Fit N' Busy

Healthy Habits 2.0 - Day 4 - Why I choose Exercise



Helya founded The Studio, a boutique fitness experience in Ventura California, on three pillars: Strength, Intensity and Mobility. Finding that balance of all three pillars ensures that you're getting closer to being your best self. Visit to learn more.  Day 4's Episode is all about exercise, which you KNOW is good for you and you KNOW is an important component of this challenge.  PLUS: There's a secret phrase in this episode so make sure you listen closely.  Helya's friend Uri helped make the Studio's logo. Here is his Instagram. Follow the Healthy Habits challenge and Fit n Busy on Instagram. Comment your phrase on @FitN_Busy and keep that energy high. Share pictures of your healthy meals, your view from a wilderness hike, your sweat after a class and don't forget to hashtag #fitnbusy and #healthyhabits whenever you want us to see your progress.    Here are the questions you'll ask yourself daily, earning a point with each one: 1. Did you take a class at the studio?  You don't get e