Side Quest Podcast

Strength & Scotch Hosts Grant and Heavey on Building the Mars Rover, VR Gaming, Waynes World, & Scotch



Strength training and whiskey, specifically scotch, are among my favorite things in the world. How I had not discovered the Strength & Scotch Podcast before is beyond me. But while digging through the podcasts on iTunes, I came across these guys and fell in love. Grant and Heavey host the Strength and Scotch Podcast, but they're also giant nerds. Heavey actually worked on the Mars Rover with NASA, while Grant is a huge comic book and video game nerd like myself. When they decided to start the podcast they were drinking together and talking fitness and figured, why not record it?  Both are super curious dudes who love getting to the bottom of things. So they decided to combine their love of scotch and fitness to deliver a fun, sometimes crazy, but a valuable resource for others who share their passion of strength and scotch. For more show notes head to