Side Quest Podcast

Slyvon Blanco on Lifehacking, World Travel, & Conquering Fear



Slyvon Blanco is in the running for the coolest name on Earth. He's also a fitness coach, Lifehacker, website genius, and a lover of the finer things in life like deadlifts and donuts. Growing up as an immigrant Sly understood that he needed to work hard and "go get it." From a young age he learned how to find more efficient methods of getting things done. But he grew up nerdy, small, and easy to bully. Fitness for him was about finding the strength, and size, to stand up to his bullies. Since starting his blog in 2011, he's had dreams of traveling the world as he works. This year, he made that a reality. He and his girlfriend started in Southeast Asia, journeyed back Canada, and, for now, are in South America. Sly considers himself a jack-of-all-trades. He wants to learn about everything and not only be stuck in one area of expertise. He's accomplished this not only as a fitness coach and online entrepreneur but he can build websites, code, and he makes some of the most delicious foods. For more show notes h