Side Quest Podcast

Robbie Farlow on The 80/20 Principle, LEGO Blocks, & Success



Around the world of fitness and health, you'll many times find people telling you to follow the 80/20 rule. "80% of the time eat a healthy diet and exercise and 20% of the time you can goof off and still receive the results you want." But as humans, we often strive for perfection. Then when we aren't perfect, we beat ourselves up. Success isn't an overnight thing. Like building a LEGO tower, it takes one piece at a time, stacked one by one on top of the other to finish the tower. Perfection is a noble goal and I will never fault someone for giving it their all. I'd rather than someone strive for mediocrity. But how do you battle the guilt when it rears its ugly head after a weekend or week long diet debacle? In this episode, I'll break out some math to help you better understand that one day, or a couple of days, won't hurt you long term. 80/20 principle (Pareto Principle) Breaking down the math of the 80/20 principle 73 days Late night pizza 10 1/2 weeks Feeling guilty for cheating on your diet You are not