Side Quest Podcast

Robbie Farlow on Creating Your Own Story



Well, here it is. My first solo episode. While driving down the road the other day, I popped in an old CD from high school and heard a song I haven't heard in years. As I listened to the lyrics and sang along, something stirred inside of me; a message that I felt needed to be shared. What do you see when you look in the mirror? Is what you see your true reflection? Is the man or woman in the mirror who you believe the world sees as well? What story are you telling the world? If someone were to come across your grave in the future and they Googled your name, would they find an amazing, kick-ass story? Or would they get no results? At the beginning, I share with my story of how I got started and what inspired me to make changes. Because in the end, we are all the authors of our stories. What kind of story do you want leave behind?