Side Quest Podcast

Andrew Fiebert of Listen Money Matters on Why Money Isn't Evil, Success, & Checkers French Fries



Interview with Andrew Fiebert of Listen Money Matters In episode 95, I interview my good friend Andrew Fiebert of Listen Money Matters. Andrew started Listen Money Matters as a blog at first, but ventured out into the world of podcasting where their show at one time was on the top of the charts in Finance on the iTunes store. They're more than a podcast too. They also feature articles from their community, including two by myself (here and here) Most Americans today graduate from high school with next to no education on how to manage their money. They then head off to college, where they rack up mounds of debt, and then struggle to repay these debts years later. We're all going to be making money one day and Andrew believes it's more than a minor oversight that we aren't taught personal finance. That is where he comes in with Listen, Money Matters. They aren't the finance guys your grandfather would listen to. Instead of filling your years full of bullshit, they cut through it. Discussing their failures and s