Side Quest Podcast

Chuck Gross on No Longer Fearing Failure, Root Beer, & Beard Coaching



In episode 93 of the podcast, the first guest I ever had on the show returns to catch us up with what he's been up to for the last year and a half. Check out Chuck's first episode here. Chuck is a dad, husband, a coach, a programmer, and a former fat kid that has lost and kept off 200lbs. He went back to school, while working full time, and gained his bachelor's degree at age 34. At the same time he also became a certified personal trainer. A lover of craft beers, movies, traveling, and reading fiction (Heinlein and Vonnegut are his favorites), somehow Chuck still finds time to enjoy his favorite obsession, Magic The Gathering.  He claims to be a recovering MMO and video game addict, but you can still find him playing WoW as Usiel on US Arthas. For more show notes head to