Side Quest Podcast

Client Success Story: Justin Dionne on Losing 9 Inches Off His Waist, Working Out for a Year, & Managing the Long Game



In episode 91 of the podcast, I interview one of my clients to discuss his success over the last year. Justin Dionne, is the artistic director at Lee Street Theater in Salisbury, NC. He is also one of my closest friends and one of my original online clients. One year ago, Justin told me--above all--his goal was to workout for one year. Weight loss was a goal but for Justin, he knew he needed the accountability my coaching provided and the pushing from me to achieve his overall goal. Not only did Justin achieve this goal, but he lost 9 inches off his waist, 20 pounds of fat and added over 10 pounds of muscle. Making the gym and being active is now a priority for him. Listening to this episode, you'll discover what Justin learned over his journey as my client. What strength goals he achieved, where he faltered, the lessons he learned about how alcohol can affect your goals, and where he wants to go from here. For more show notes head to