Side Quest Podcast

Mike Samuels on Bodybuilding, Flexible Dieting, & Buffets,



In this episode I interview Mike Samuels of Healthy Living, Heavy Lifting.  He is a personal trainer and online coach from England.  Mike is a reformed "clean" eater and has had success in competing in physique competitions.  He started as a cardio junkie but found his passion for strength training and bodybuilding.  Mike has written for STACK, EliteFTS, and LIVESTRONG to name a few. In this episode we discuss: how he got into training his struggles with clean eating and how Lane Norton opened his eyes to flexible dieting moderation and how you can help clients learn it hardest part of training for a bodybuilding show cravings and their impacts on restrictive diets the buffet struggle how to create rules and schedule cheat days/feast days what superhero he would be what guility pleasure he listens to on his workout mix what famous person in history he would have dinner with Daily Undulating Periodization Training Links Mike's Site DUP Training Layne Norton Tim Ferriss