Why Not Now? With Amy Jo Martin

Episode 2: Simon Sinek - Activating Your Why



Also known as the "Why Guy", Simon Sinek's TED talk has 28 million views! He's an author, speaker and one of the most brilliant people I've ever met. Simon helps individuals, brands and communities find their WHY - why they do what they do. In this episode we talk through how Simon helped me find my WHY as well!  Show notes are below.   What to expect: Simon talks through a critical moment when he had to ask himself ‘Why Not Now’? And the rest, as he says, was history. His life changed forever. (3:56) When Simon randomly found himself in a meeting with the Iraqi Ambassador. (5:00) Simon’s philosophy on advice-giving. “I found myself forced to take my own advice.” Simon explains. (7:32) Simon’s all-time favorite book that he loves to gift. In fact, we talk about when he gave me two copies of this book and then what happened. (8:56) The most common snag or roadblock that happens after people or brands identify their WHY. (11:21) What happens when you land on your WHY but don’t do anything with it.  (13:50) Why