Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

#118 - Dua Aldasouqi, RD



Conversation 118:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Dua Aldasouqi, RD “I love dietetics. I love the field. I love the applicability. I think that is the number one thing I really love about dietetics. I can take this wherever I go. Whether I’m working professionally or not, whether I’m with family, whether I’m in the community, whether I’m with friends. I can make this literally apply to every person’s life because everybody eats .” Dua Aldasouqi, RD Today’s conversation is with Dua the Dietitian, a registered dietitian who is passionate about sharing her profession in every aspect of her life. Dua and I met over social media because I was drawn to a unique series of poetry she was sharing on Instagram. I am drawn to dietitians who incorporate other passions they have in their lives while practicing dietetics and Dua shared such a unique part of her. Our conversation is very inspiring because Dua truly believes in what life throws your way is what is meant to be. And I completely agree with her. She does a v