
#1039: AI: Morten Goodwin: 102 Morten's best examples



In this episode of #LØRN Silvija talks to Morten Goodwin who is a professor at the University in Agder and OsloMet. This is the second part in our four-part series on AI. In this episode Goodwin gives us his favorite examples of AI to help us further understand the topic and explain why he likes exactly these cases. Silvija and Morten talk about how AI are making our lives better and discuss how humans have the responsibility to ask the right questions. Morten also answers how AI has been useful in regards of Covid and the potential with future breakouts. What are the negative effects of technology and is it too late to stop it? — You have to understand the data in respect to your problem  You will LØRN about Mortens best examples of AI Application areas of AI  Human touch vs AI  Games and AI Where AI was useful in the pandemic   Recommended litterature:  Check out the podcast we did with Morten on AI in 2