
#0993: AI: Eli Haugerud: Cluster methodology: To stand stronger together



In this episode of LØRN, Silvija talks with Eli Haugerud, who is Head of Clusters in Smart Innovation Norway. Eli is a talented woman who knows several different areas within AI. In the conversation, Eli and Silvija talk about smart energy markets, computer-driven companies, and strategic innovation. Eli further says that she hopes that AI will eventually become more widespread among several sectors in Norway, as it opens more doors and opportunities both internationally and in the form of cooperation.  — AI and technology do not have to be a threat, it will give us support and more opportunities. You will LØRN about:AI and Machine learning Strategic innovationCollaboration Changes in the energy markets Recommended literature: The movie iHuman Det nye digitale Norge – and article collection about new technologiesDigital transformasjon og bærekraft – A study on NTNU by Arne Krokan.   See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out informa