Immigrant Song

There Is No Illegal Immigrant Crisis



Welcome to a new podcast on the subject of immigration in the United States. It’s called Immigrant Song and it’s hosted by Robert Stribley. In each episode we’ll discuss a specific and timely topic on the subject of immigration. You’ll hear facts and figures but also interviews with people who are experts or who’ve been affected by our immigration laws. The topic of our first episode: There is no illegal immigration crisis. A fact-based review of the myths about undocumented immigration in the United States. You’ll find a link to the original essay this episode was based on in the episode description, as well as links to other well-researched articles. If you like what you heard in this episode feel free to support the podcast on Patreon. Your support will help make this a better project, whether it means purchasing better equipment to record the facts or traveling to hunt them down in person. For more information visit You can also follow this project on Twitter or on Facebook.