Self Made Man

From Prison To Financial Freedom With Zachary Babcock



Making a living and supporting a family can be difficult and stressful even in the best of times and circumstances. Building a business can be infinitely more difficult because it’s all up to you, and there are no safety nets. And then the excuses start to come out… It’s too expensive to start a business… It doesn’t work… I don’t have the right personality… I’m not good at selling… And the list goes on and on. But at the end of the day, most people actually have it really easy because all of the stories and challenges are simply based on stories they’ve made up in their own minds. They’re wearing invisible handcuffs. Well I’ll tell you what’s tough and what’s difficult… Tough is spending five years in prison, and then walking out the gates with nothing. Tough is knowing that you have a felony record, and that no one is going to hire you. Tough is knowing that no matter how much you’ve changed, all of those opportunities that are ready and waiting for you and I to take advantage of, have a giant fence of judge