St. Peter's Fireside

Strange Strangers



In the nineth week of the series, The Table Of Undeserving Friends, Pastor Alastair Sterne walks us through Genesis 18.1-15. In this passage we discover the importance of being present and willing to be inconvenienced for the sake of welcoming strangers. We apologize, the introduction to this sermon was not recorded. The manuscript is below: In our series, The Table Of Undeserving Friends, we’ve been looking at the vastness of God’s welcoming grace. The guests at his table are diverse and unique. We’ve been listening to some of their stories that we might learn more and more about the depths of God’s grace and how we might become people who welcome others as Christ has welcomed us. Today I want to look at a more practical, but-not-so-normal instruction found in the Scriptures. Hebrews Chapter 13:2, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” This seems a pretty straight forward instruction. Show hospitality to strangers, welcome them, because th