Plant Pot

The Golden Years



We are living in the golden years. The reason I say this is because currently in the western world Christians are able to get up and go to their place of worship on any given day and time. Hold conferences, advertise freely and speak about their faith. We are not persecuted in the street. We are not spat upon and our ways are honoured in our land, well to a certain extent. People still hold true to Christian norms and values and we can all agree in unity when something or someone is outright absurd or negligent in their speech and actions. We can talk freely amongst our work colleagues about things we believe and hold a form of rectitude and benevolence towards our fellow man. We are free to come and go as we please. Take our children out to church run activities, have them attend Christian schools and be taught things that is honouring to our faith. Let me just quickly state that life is by no means perfect and as long as there is sin in the world there will always be issues of injustice, race, corr