Crossengage | Real Cross-channel Marketing & Crm

#1 Manuel Hinz – Co-Founder & Managing Director CrossEngage



Traditionally, the major bottleneck for CRM and marketing teams was lacking possibilities to access and utilize data. Sure, a few years ago, there were already a lot of different data sources available. In some cases, a business intelligence team even consolidated all available data in a data warehouse. But for non-technical marketers, this was of little use. If you aren’t a tech-savvy data specialist, you probably won’t be able to access that data or even build sound segments. So CRM and marketing teams were almost forced to only work with the data available in their respective channel tool. But even if you knew how to write SQL statements and work with databases or if you had business intelligence resources at your disposal, utilizing data for CRM and marketing purposes involved a lot of manual work hindering efficient workflows. You had to build segments in a data warehouse, pull lists, and upload them to each channel tool. Most teams simply didn’t go the extra mile.