Trinity Church's Podcast

The Heart and the Big Story



Series: The Big Story Luke 24:13-27, 44-49. Luke 24 contains a story about two disciples. This is a remarkable passage on many levels. This passage highlights what can be described as "Gospel spirituality," which is the result of renewal of the heart. 1. The heart revealed as sorrowful. Luke 24:13-24 2. The heart revealed as slow. Luke 24:25 3. The heart revealed as the burning center. Luke 24:32 Take Away Questions: Q. What do we see in Jesus? Q. What really happens in this story? Q. What if your heart isn't burning? "What men wake up to in the light of a revival is their own condition and the nature of the true God. The apprehension of God's presence is the ultimate core of genuine Christian experience." Richard Lovelace