Midwest Radio Gardening Show

Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 11/09/2021



As we head into Autumn this weeks programme looks at lawn care at this time of year. Paraic discusses how to prevent lawn problems before they start, there's information on getting a head start on moss, things to watch out for when lawns are hungry and need feeding and to steps that can be taken to keep weeds at bay. It's also time to think about planting up bulbs for winter and early spring colour. Paraic showcases a range of bulbs available now including narcissii, muscari, winter achonites and bluebells, and there's a reminder on vegetables that can be sown now including onions, mustard from seed, turnips and pea shoots. For those considering propogating cuttings Paraic outlines the key steps to ensure success. Listeners questions this week include brussel sprouts not growing very well, crows attacking potatoe tubers, how to control wild rhubarb, eradicating hard grass naturally, suggestions for a fast growing seaside hedge and trees for a church ground that would favour carbon absoportion.