Midwest Radio Gardening Show

Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 05/06/2021



This week's programme opens with a reminder about the virtual Bloom at Home event taking place this weekend which features live demonstrations on gardening, food and wellbeing for the bank holiday weekend. For those venturing into the garden this coming week Paraic reminds us that planting is still excellent with plants growing really well right now. There's a feature on herbaceous perennials for those new to gardening including campanula, salvia, lupins, perennial geraniums and phlox among others. As potatoes start to come in significant growth there's information on applying a protective spray in advance of any significant warning being issued and Paraic explained how blight resistant varieties work. Listeners questions in this episode include planting dogwood in damp areas, pests attracted to cherry trees, winter hedges, black spot on roses, rhubarb going to seed, moisture loving plants and yellow leaves on petunias.