Midwest Radio Gardening Show

Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 09/05/2020



Drier conditions in the past couple of weeks are set to continue and this week Paraic gave a timely reminder about the importance of watering to ensure sufficient moisture for growing plants. He gave tips on the best approach to watering and warned against under or overwatering and the impact that can have. Hanging baskets can be started now and for those looking to start from scratch there are a range of garden kits available online while restrictions continue with a variety of options to choose from. There was information on lawn care, and as its tomato time Paraic reminded listeners that its time to pot up tomatos now. There was extensive advice on hedging and some of the more common problems appearing on hedges at the moment. Questions this week included protecting acers from frost, moving lupins, when to carry out the Chelsea chop, taking slips from shrubs, differences between old and new peony roses, training campanula and growing garlic.