Midwest Radio Gardening Show

Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 28/03/2020



As the impact of Covid-19 took hold nationally this week's programme looked at how gardening can positively contribute to those who are home more than normal at this time. Paraic discussed the effect restrictive socialisation measures are having on the world of gardening and garden retailers, how on-line offerings are being used as a retail alternative and how that works in respect of getting product delivered to customers. There was lots of advice as to how extra time can be used in the garden, from pruning and splitting plants to growing from seed. There was information on lawn care as spring finally peeps through and Paraic looked at some vegetables suitable for planting now such as seed potatoes, cabbage, shallots and peas. Listeners questions featured hyndrageas and whitethorn as hedgerows, trimming ivy, pruning roses and planting cherry trees, sweet peas and hostas.