Midwest Radio Gardening Show

Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 05/10/2019



On the programme this week Paraic looked back at the recent Climate Fest event which featured various workshops and seminars on how can positively impact the issue of climate change at an individual level. One such way from the perspective of gardening is to plant more trees and the programme looked at a range of native Irish trees with that in mind such as Hazel, Willow, Poplar, Mallus and Lime. There was information on how to get Hazel trees to fruit, the different kinds of Mountain Ash, trees suitable for an elevated site and trees suitable for wet conditions. Listeners questions included varieties of blue roses, trimming back Dogwood, growing micro greens, cultivating kiwi fruit in tunnels, the planting and care of Helibores and the creation of green manure.