Midwest Radio Gardening Show

Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 11/05/2019



Frost has made its presence felt on young tender plants and this week the programme looked at how to repair some of the damage caused in recent days - hydrangea, laurel, beech, forest flame and many other plants have been affected and Paraic advised on what to do to minimise any damage and help plants get back into growth. Lilacs are a great favourite at this time of year with many varieties to choose from while Nemecia was also featured as a plant that is highly scented and flowers for a long period. There was a reminder about sowing perennials from seeds and Salvia Purple Fairytale was recommended as being particularly bee friendly. Listeners questions featured Autumn flowering bulbs, sowing marrows, information on Ash Dieback, options for instant colour in pots, growing carrots in coastal areas, camelias that have been eaten by sheep and cherry roots coming through a lawn.