Midwest Radio Gardening Show

Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 27/04/2019



The trend of growing your own continues to gain momentum and this week's programme looked at how families are using different spaces to try out different kinds of vegetables with kale, baby carrotts, peas and salad crops all great options that can be sown from seed now. The programme also featured a new variety of blueberry called Pink Lemonade which has a high yeild, a sweet flavour, is self pollinating and remains compact. There was advice on materials for covering tunnels, protecting lawns from damage by badgers and the prevalence of Saint Marks flies that are visible at the moment. Listeners questions included cutting back daffodils and other spring flowering bulbs, planting on apple trees in pots, scab resistant varieties of potato, sowing parsnips and the canker free varieties available and systemic treatments for mare's tail weeds.