Midwest Radio Gardening Show

Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 06/04/2019



Colour for Easter opened the programme this week with some great planting suggestions available at the moment including Dianthus, Euryops, Nemecia and others. Paraic advised against planting out summer bedding as night time temperatures are still somewhat cool, however daytime temperatures are perfect for seeds and the programme looked at some alternative vegetables that can be sown now including chickory, chard, baby carrots,brussel sprouts and italian kale. There was advice on taking cuttings from orange fizz geraniums, planting lavender from harvested seed, looking after lillies in pots and growing celery. Questions this week included how to treat frost stained camelias, repotting houseplants and orchids, treating bacterial canker in apple trees and how to differentiate between Japanese and Chinese wisteria.