Iseerobots Radio

Classic Geekfest Rants! Ep.230: Attack Of The Twelve Backs Kenner Star Wars Wave One!



Hey kids! Let's dig back into the super rich history of Geekfest Rants! This is one of my favorite episodes from the past.. Ep.230 Attack Of The Twelve Backs. It's a very indepth look at the 1st wave of Kenner Star Wars Figures!. Here's what Carlos had to say at the time..    It all began with the 12-Backs, the first 12 Star Wars action figures released in 1978.  While the movie overtook our lives in the summer of 1977, the action figure line overtook our wallets a year later. Listen to Carlos and James as they give you a beginner's course on Star Wars vintage action figure collecting. How were these figures introduced to the market, what were the variants, where did we get them, what is a double-telescoping light saber?  So, dig out you old figures for today's GeekFest Rants.