Iseerobots Radio

The Toys R Us Report Ep.187: An Aborted Snow Trip, A Lost Cat and Tons More



This week on the show we start off with a tale of our aborted trip to Lake Tahoe and what I did with the week instead of sledding. I saw movies basically. There, I saved you ten minutes. From there we head to At The Movies where I talk about some of the movies that I took in, Fighting With My Family, Arctic, Alita: Battle Angel and more. It's a pretty quick breakdown of a lot of different movies. In the final segment I open a Mego, talk about losing my little black runt of a cat and then talk about our new Patreon Supporter and take a text from our dude Engineer Nerd. He asks a pretty good question. It's overall a fun show this week. Patron Only Content available at Every little bit helps!