Brew Theology Podcast

Episode 154: COVID-19 Edition with Janel Apps Ramsey



In Episode 154 of the Brew Theology Podcast, Co-Director of Brew Theology, Janel Apps Ramsey, delivers a  highly relevant recording on all things Covid-19. Janel gleans from a variety of sources and provides extremely helpful information for coping with the new NEW of today's crazy world.. there are so many helpful tips in this show integrating body, mind, soul and spirit practices. Cheers (virtually), and don't forget to wear a mask out in public, friends.  If you are a fan of any of our Brew Theology shows, give this episode a share on the interwebs, rate Brew Theology on iTunes and give BT a brewtastic review! Head over to the Brew Theology website, to learn more, and/or become a local partner, sponsor and financial contributor. Questions & inquiries about Brew Theology, the alliance/network, Denver community or podcast, contact Ryan Miller: &/ or /// Follow us on Facebook & Instagram (@brewtheology) & Twitter (@brew_theo