All Possibilities With Julie Chan

093 – Yanira Crespo – Soul Contract



No matter what you go through, your soul chooses to go through difficult journeys in order to learn, and to gain perspective. The soul knows it can handle that challenge— because that’s what it is there for. It’s a glimpse of hope when things get tough. Yanira Crespo knows. Yanira Crespo is a spiritual life coach, her company The Yanira Method, and she is a fighter, and a survivor. She joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studio powered by Sennheiser.In this episode: Yanira on earning she had fibromyalgia Not accepting a disability Knowing if she was able to do that, can pull herself out of her body, but find out source of pain Discovered all unhealed trauma stored in soul Creating symptoms in body as a messenger that she needed to heal Yanira on getting herself out of the wheelchair A very emotional experience Struggled with who she was as a person, always felt like an outcast, like she had no purpose How Yanira tried to commit suicide three times What gave her hope Her approach to show a glimpse of l