All Possibilities With Julie Chan

089 – Noah Levy – Cultivating Strength



Battling anxiety, why a breakup with an addict after six years changed everything, managing panic attacks on live TV, mind over matter and observing one’s own thoughts, loneliness, sadness, and how you give yourself closure, and cultivating strength… Noah Levy, who  works in Content Creation, as a TV & Podcast Producer, and in Brand Development, joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studio powered by Sennheiser. The first moment Noah became aware of the spiritual and metaphysical world around him Noah’s childhood growing up in Brunswick, ME and his obsession with TV; MTV, commercials, and infomercials – specifically psychic hotlines How he used to stay home sick from school so he could call in Learning to distinguish between what’s “real” and what’s “1-800.” Discovering Louise Hay and her teachings while attending NYU How to change your thoughts so to change your reality Learning compassion for not only others, but yourself as well Working thru anger, and how envisioning who you may be mad at as a l