All Possibilities With Julie Chan

075 – Lynne Guey – The Fearless Discovery of You



Reconnecting with yourself, making an unconventional career move, creating a podcast, the power of yoga, and unpacking blockchain… Lynne Guey, Head of Communications for LOOMIA (bringing comfort, safety, and confidence to the human experience through the seamless integration of technology into everyday products) joins host Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studio powered by Sennheiser.In this episode: Guey on trying to find herself Traveling alone in the Middle East for three weeks to go to the farthest point she could, finding time by herself The challenge of paralysis of analysis The difficulty of sitting and focusing on herself with a busy schedule Being empowered by all possibilities that could be Learning about yoga, blockchain, writing Bouncing back and forth between the two ends of the spectrum Starting a new job as Head of Communications at LOOMIA, a blockchain wearable tech company, and starting a podcast A hodgepodge without a strategy, finding herself, How she had to leave where she was to get