All Possibilities With Julie Chan

070 – Claudia Raiken – The Power of Visualization and Intuition in the Birth Journey



Dreambirth imagery… Claudia Raiken, Experienced Doula and Dreambirth Educator and Co-Founder of The Birth Studio, joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser. This is one of several episodes on the topic of pregnancy.In this episode: Julie shares about when she was pregnant – looking for positive stories of pregnancy and birth, because a lot of stories can worry you Raiken on someone who is a Doula who has seen many births—what journey someone they have been through—-women come crying to her, sweep it away, there’s so much out there that makes birth scary, unknown, we’re not in intimate contact with it anymore Was a body worker, began to see a psychic, who told her she has something important to offer to pregnant women, Just was in her head to become a doula, how she learned what a doula was, As she trained, she learned she was naturally inclined Getting whole brain to work together, allow other knowing to filter in How daydreams help manifest, how imagery works Why thinking abou