All Possibilities With Julie Chan

068 – Lisa Wolfson – Medical Reiki



Medical Reiki in childbirth… Lisa Wolfson, a breast cancer survivor who dedicates her time to spiritual and holistic growth, helping other survivors and all people to reach optimal health and well-being, including administering Reiki in Pre-Op, Operating Rooms, and Recovery Rooms for surgery, medical procedures, and childbirth. She joins Julie Chan to discuss her work, working with Raven Keyes, the nature of Medical Reiki, and the benefits and experience of Reiki in Julie’s own experience giving birth to her son. Lisa joins Julie in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.This is one of several episodes on the topic of pregnancy.In this episode: How Wolfson previously founded women’s well center She was  introduced to Reiki there, rit esonated with her, introduced to Raven Keyes Have to have the ability to guide yourself through the system Training how Reiki Masters can exist in hard core operating room with patient Benefts from the patient perspective, found much calmer than she thought it woul