All Possibilities With Julie Chan

067 – Brooke Emery – Purpose and Parenting



Intuition, marketing, coaching, and parenting… Brooke Emery, Possibility Synergist and Guide, joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.This is the first of several episodes on the topic of pregnancy.In this episode: Emery‘s works as connector and a guide How her spiritual journey started in childhood Being the daughter of advertising agency mom, working in film and publicity, having love of being fixture in self help for more than 20 years Identifying inner voice vs. random thoughts, what it feels like, light vs. heavy, joy and peace when right direction on the left wide, like an electric pulse Being a Manifestor-Generator, experiencing things as an “uh-huh” (positive) or ” unh-uh” (negative) Learning to surrender Manifesting a baby, conscious parenting Wanting a baby while being OK if it doesn’t happen Changing the focus Having a whole team ready to help her be ready for the next chapter The moment she became pregnant when she was about to go in for IVF Getting away from atta