All Possibilities With Julie Chan

054 – Erin Khar – Writing and Living the Truth



Addiction, recovery, mental health, relationships, parenting, infertility, and self-care… Erin Khar (Managing Editor at Ravishly and author of the popular weekly advice column Ask Erin) joins guest host Jessica Brodkin [Episode 11] in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.In this episode: Khar’s addiction to heroin for 15 years starting at 13 years old, and how she didn’t look like drug addic,t had straight As, lots of friends, no warning signs, etc. How her love for child was stronger than her hatred of self Learning how to take care of herself and walking through shame and depression that drove to use drugs Healing is confronting the parts of ourself we don’t want others to see, we let go of shame and that’s where healing starts How Khar lost her baby due to premature birth, and met Brodkin after having had four miscarriages prior to that, Khar’s incredible emotional pain, and it wasn’t about her head, it was about her soul A psychic medium suggested she needs to go to Reiki Khar’s believe t