All Possibilities With Julie Chan

044 – Rachael Nickel – The Philosophy of Wow!



Being present and conscious of yourself and the world around you… Rachael Nickel, yoga instructor, joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.Finding yoga and Reiki, a cellular biologist makes and impression, and when Nickel’s head explodes Nickel discusses how she met Chan at gentle yoga session in Queens, NY, growing up without spirituality, the time she says Jesus Christ came to her, wanting to go into a Catholic church as a result, having a spiritual longing, a difficult time as a teen, being self destructive in the 1980s, and then finding yoga. Then meeting a predator yoga teacher, learning Reiki, assisting people during the dying process, learning from a nun who was an amazing healer, then Nickel had children and stopped healing, feeling as if perhaps she was not a legitimate healer. She recalls hearing from a cellular biologist who had a near death experience and went to the other side and heals at a cellular level, came home, cried, and stalked the healer—who then invit