All Possibilities With Julie Chan

037 – Alexandra Macias of The C3 Method – Healing Internally



Fighting sensitivity-based anxiety and depression with yoga and meditation… Alexandra Macias, cofounder of The C3 Method (a three-step process that promotes making a choice, taking a chance, and experiencing a lifestyle change to reduce stress and increase morale — using a conscience approach and providing a customized wellness program in the workplace and a mindfulness curriculum to students K-12) joins Julie Chan for a conversation on yoga, meditation, healing, and anxiety and depression caused by high sensitivity and intuition. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser. (Macias’ profile)A troubled childhood, drawn to the spiritual world, and a prayer and a promise Macias discusses why yoga is important in terms of healing from depression and anxiety and feeling ostracized, reconnecting with body, how she medicated from age 12, healing with anxiety and depression but depending on pill to get by every day, being sensitive and highly intuitive since she was very young, having a good u