All Possibilities With Julie Chan

035 – Paranormal Investigator Vinny Carbone – Ghost Hunting



Paranormal investigations… Vinny Carbone, Paranormal Investigator, Public Program Director, Actor, Director, and Comedian, discusses ghost hunting, the Morris-Jumel Mansion, and the paranormal with host Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studios, powered by Sennheiser. (Carbone’s profile)A first discovery, ghost hunting equipment, and resolution Carbone shares his definition of ghosts as spirits of people who have passed on, himself as a mortal with an interest in the paranormal, and talks about what attracts people to paranormal activities, what motivated him, his first discoveries sitting in lobby of dorm at college, the craziest stuff that’s happened, what resolution looks like to him, how he’s been obsessed all of his life with the paranormal, moving from observer to participant, and how his team is always getting excited with door creaks, blips, and noises. He mentions leading investigations and workshops, talks about K2 meters to measure EMF levels, infrared cameras, antennas to measure static elect