All Possibilities With Julie Chan

033 – Sam Liebowitz – Aware, Awake, Alive



Shifting energy, living consciously and with presence, and spoon bending… Coach, consultant, healer, energy healer, entrepreneur in various industries, and podcast host Sam Liebowitz (The Conscious Consultant) discusses taking a different approach, from a more energetic perspective, patterns, and underlying energy. He joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.Spoon bending, the journey to becoming a conscious consultant, and being served by the Universe Liebowitz talks about his online radio show (podcast), training for shamanic work, and helping people integrate experiences. Spoon bending, his scientific way of looking at life, being open and questioning, a background in tech, aerospace, real estate, and buying an acupuncture business, discovering the law of attraction as a spiritual practice, how all things are an excuse to feel good and raise your vibration, and how getting things doesn’t matter as much as the change in energy while pursuing them — not about the material st