All Possibilities With Julie Chan

029 – Helena Dea Bala – Craigslist Confessional



Listening to the stories of others… Helena Dea Bala, professional listener, former lawyer, and Storyteller and Listener at Craigslist Confessional, joins Julie Chan for a discussion about the privilege, impact and price of listening to others so they can share their stories. Chan also shared an intuitive reading (profile). Recorded at the MouthMedia Network Studios in New York, powered by Sennheiser.From Albania to Slavania, peace and strength, and a homeless man inspires Bala shares her upbringing, moving from Albania to Slavania with a lot of moving around and instability, working as a lawyer and lobbyist in DC, and listening to people tell stories they never told anyone else, hoping to provide everyone the idea that whatever they are going through there are others who have as well. The peace and strength in sharing that story, not following a linear path, following a gut feeling instead. How the work is scary but fulfilling and a growth experience. How Bala wanted work that felt more like flow than work.