All Possibilities With Julie Chan

028 – Booker – Leaning In and Taking Practice Into Action



Social justice, yoga and mindfulness… Leslie Booker (profile) (a.k.a. Booker), who brings her heart, wisdom, and compassion to the intersection of social justice, yoga, and mindfulness, joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.An inclination to help, working with vulnerable populations, and three poisons Booker discusses mapping that went back to Ronald Reagan, seeing people experiencing homelessness, and how her heart is inclined toward needs for help. How sense of groundedness and peace in yoga and meditation fits into helping with issues. How meditation helps bring things up and to our truth and gives us tools to work with. Work with vulnerable populations, making note of when body comes to rest, creating boundaries to take care of ourselves, working with staff now, training others to do what she was doing, activism because of crazy world, and how we live in a culture founded on the three poisons — hatred, greed and delusion. The delusion of power, dharma, and incorporati