All Possibilities With Julie Chan

018 – Dr. Anna Yusim – Psychiatry, Meet Spirituality



Spirituality in Psychiatry with Dr. Anna Yusim… Dr. Anna Yusim, a psychiatrist with private practice in New York City and author of  the book “Fulfilled, How the Science of Spirituality Can Help You Live a Happy and More Meaningful Life” – (bio), joins Julie Chan for a look at the intersection of business, science, mental health, and spirituality. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network Studios.Lifting darkness, discovering the world, and when medication is right and when something else is better Yusim shares how in her past she hit a bump in the road, and a lot of darkness, and despite knowing healing tools she couldn’t pull herself out of it. Then her spiritual journey started. And she explored and learned new tools. She studied in India and Thailand and South Africa, and more, understanding how the world works, and gaining a new perspective on life. And her own darkness started to lift. Spirituality and shamanism, and beliefs and methods unusual for a psychiatrist. About the direction medicine and psychiatry