All Possibilities With Julie Chan

012 – Amy Jung of Raw Haus – Both Found and Finder



Understanding your purpose and doing what you love… Amy Jung, Design Strategist and Co-Founder of Raw Haus, (a creative driven community connecting emerging talent across the design, technology, and entrepreneurial space, providing a collaborative platform for sharing ideas, opportunities, and advice amongst members of the greater creative community in New York City – (bio)) joins Julie Chan for a follow up from a prior full intuitive reading and to discuss discovering and living one’s purpose, finding peace, and growing the intuition “muscle”. Recorded at the MouthMedia Network Studios.A college class about love, the need to connect, and helping others to grow Jung reviews her purpose as to be found and be a finder. How a college class about doing what you love and a moment of painful discovery led to an understanding of how she likes connecting with people. Focusing on intuition, and maximizing impact by helping multiple people to grow.     Understanding perspectives, learning a brand, a vehicle to com