All Possibilities With Julie Chan

009 – Jim Posner of The Mindful Advantage – From Wall Street to Mindfulness



Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Meditation… Jim Posner, Founder of The Mindful Advantage (which helps busy professionals decrease stress, increase focus and improve productivity with mindfulness meditation – bio) joins Julie Chan for a discussion of mindfulness, meditation and career changes, and a mini intuitive reading, at the MouthMedia Network Studio at Voyager HQ.A journey to mindfulness, what others think, and cultivating an awareness of thought Posner discusses how people learn from him as mindfulness instructor combining rationality and mindfulness, and renewing one’s thoughts. How he is the last person you’d expect to be a mindfulness instructor, his journey to mindfulness, how he was laid off from job on Wall Street, needed to be present, how going to a psychologist and a psychiatrist was only touching the surface and a “band aid” for him, panic attacks, a hospital visit and then he found Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Meditation. His worries about what other people would think, and how after