Social Strategy Podcast: The Best In Business, Wealth And Mindset

Clarity Through Coaching with Petra Foster EP87



Coaching is one of the fastest growing professions on the planet right now. In coaching, you can really embrace your genius and show up in a big way for your clients. However, something really bothered me about coaching I wanted Petra, my next guest, to sort out for me. Why are so many coaches broke? Don't worry we get to that. Petra Foster is known as client enrollment strategist. She helps coaches understand how to build an effective business that can not only bill multiple thousand dollars per month but to also provide a massive amount of value to their clients. The Problem Starts With Your Fee Structure Initially, coaches go into the business to help people, whether it’s in the area of health, business, lifestyle, etc.   The problem is they don't build a fee structure that's scaleable based on the amount of value they're delivering, so it's no surprise they aren't able to earn enough to stay in business. Limiting beliefs around money and feeling guilty when they do charge higher dollar amounts.  Becau