The Paddison Podcast

Bambi regains her health and happiness with the Paddison Program



About 4 years ago, Bambi started to have severe pain in the ankles Months passed waiting for answer from the hospital, and the arms started to hurt very bad as well Bambi runs a nursery, and working became more and more a struggle Eventually she was diagnosed with RA and started taking methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine There wasn't much improvement, and side effects were really heavy, with the weaker immune system being a concern for her work After one year, while she started feeling very depressed, she came to know the Paddison Program through a Facebook group She bought a juicer, started the Program and immediately felt an improvement After a short time she was able to get on her knees to talk with children, something she wasn't doing for years Now Bambi has a plant-based diet, has dropped hydroxychloroquine, reduced methotrexate to a very small amount and doing great!