Woowoo For The Skeptic

The Original Time Machine: Decoding the Akashic Records - Tara Nitahara - WWS025



Episode 25: This week's episode focuses on the significance of the Akashic Records, and what type of information one can glean from them. Kim interviews Akashic Records Coach, Tara Nitahara, who tells about the impact of accessing her own personal records. Tara also talks about what the Akashic Records are and how they can be used to give you guidance in your life. Tara Nitahara is a certified yoga instructor, Reiki practitioner, and accredited Akashic Records Consultant and Coach. For more than 20 years, she has studied, practiced and taught yoga, meditation, and energy work. She holds space in the integrity of Truth and Light of the Holy Spirit with the earnest intention to be of loving, uplifting, helpful and hopeful service to all healers and seekers who find her through their desire to be assisted by this work in powerful and positive ways. Tara's website: http://akashiccoaching.com  Podcast website: http://woowoofortheskeptic.com  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/woowoo4ts  Kim Polinder's website: ht